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Configuring WSL

WSL configuration is done in 1 of 2 places:

  • On the host side, editing C:\Users\<username>\.wslconfig
    • This file configures the WSL machine, and applies to all distributions installed.
    • This is where you set options like guiApplications, localhostForwarding, etc.
  • On the WSL side, by editing /etc/wsl.conf
    • Configures options for the specific distribution you edit this file from.
    • Set options like the default user, enable systemd, and more

Host configurations (C:\Users\.wslconfig)

Global configurations

Enable GUI apps in WSL

You can add support for graphical programs (instead of just a Bash CLI) by enabling guiApplications

Enable GUI support for WSL

Enable/disable Windows firewall rules in WSL

WSL can use the Windows Firewall rules when firewall is enabled.

Enable Windows Firewall rules in WSL
Disable Windows Firewall rules in WSL

Limit WSL memory

Limit global WSL memory

Set WSL swap amount

Set global WSL swap memory

You can also set a swap file disk on the host. The default is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\swap.vhdx.

Set swap file

Disable WSL page reporting

Disabling page reporting for WSL causes it to retain all allocated memory claimed from Windows, releasing none back when free. NOT RECOMMENDED

Disable page reporting

Forward Windows host network connection to WSL

Turn on default connection to bind WSL 2 localhost to Windows localhost. Setting is ignored when networkingMode=mirrored

Forward host localnet

Enable/disable nested virtualization, i.e. Docker in WSL

Enable nested virtualization
Disable nested virtualization

WSL distribution configurations (/etc/wsl.conf)

Configurations per-distribution.

Disable joining Windows path

WSL will attempt to join the Windows PATH variable with its own $PATH. This can lead to unexpected behavior, like if pyenv is installed in both Windows and WSL.

To fix this, disable the appendWindowsPath flag in the [interop] section of /etc/wsl.conf

Disable Windows PATH join
## /etc/wsl.conf


appendWindowsPath = false


Set default user


To set a default user inside the WSL distribution, the user account must exist. When you first run a WSL container, you will be prompted to create a user account.

You can create additional users with the useradd command:

Create new Linux user in WSL container
sudo adduser <username>
Set default WSL user

Enable systemd

Enable systemd in WSL

Enable/disable automounting of Windows drives

By default, Windows will mount all fixed drives (i.e. C:\, D:\, etc) in the container at /mnt/<driveletter>. This feature can be controlled with the enabled flag in [automount]

Enable automounting Windows drives in WSL
Disable automounting Windows drives in WSL

Control mounts from within WSL's /etc/fstab

To mount extra paths inside the WSL container, i.e. an SMB share, you can modify the /etc/fstab the same way you would on a "full" Linux install, but you must also enable mountFsTab.

Enable auto-mount WSL's /etc/fstab
Disable auto-mount WSL's /etc/fstab

Control default root directory

When starting up a WSL distribution, your terminal's CWD will be the path you ran wsl from in Windows. For example, if you are in C:\Users\<user> and run wsl, the WSL distribution's prompt will be /mnt/c/Users/<user>.

The default WSL root directory is /mnt. To set a different path, edit the root flag in the [automount] section.

Change default WSL root directory

Set a hostname for WSL distribution

By default, the WSL distribution's hostname will be the same as the Windows host. This can be modified by changing the hostname flag in the [network] section.

Set WSL hostname