from __future__ import annotations
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as so
def get_db_uri(
drivername: str = "sqlite+pysqlite",
username: str | None = None,
password: str | None = None,
host: str | None = None,
port: int | None = None,
database: str = "demo.sqlite",
) -> sa.URL:
assert drivername is not None, ValueError("drivername cannot be None")
assert isinstance(drivername, str), TypeError(
f"drivername must be of type str. Got type: ({type(drivername)})"
if username is not None:
assert isinstance(username, str), TypeError(
f"username must be of type str. Got type: ({type(username)})"
if password is not None:
assert isinstance(password, str), TypeError(
f"password must be of type str. Got type: ({type(password)})"
if host is not None:
assert isinstance(host, str), TypeError(
f"host must be of type str. Got type: ({type(host)})"
if port is not None:
assert isinstance(port, int), TypeError(
f"port must be of type int. Got type: ({type(port)})"
assert database is not None, ValueError("database cannot be None")
assert isinstance(database, str), TypeError(
f"database must be of type str. Got type: ({type(database)})"
db_uri: sa.URL = sa.URL.create(
return db_uri
except Exception as exc:
msg = Exception(
f"Unhandled exception creating SQLAlchemy URL from inputs. Details: {exc}"
raise msg
def get_engine(db_uri: sa.URL = None, echo: bool = False) -> sa.Engine:
assert db_uri is not None, ValueError("db_uri is not None")
assert isinstance(db_uri, sa.URL), TypeError(
f"db_uri must be of type sqlalchemy.URL. Got type: ({type(db_uri)})"
engine: sa.Engine = sa.create_engine(url=db_uri, echo=echo)
return engine
except Exception as exc:
msg = Exception(f"Unhandled exception getting database engine. Details: {exc}")
raise msg
def get_session_pool(engine: sa.Engine = None) -> so.sessionmaker[so.Session]:
assert engine is not None, ValueError("engine cannot be None")
assert isinstance(engine, sa.Engine), TypeError(
f"engine must be of type sqlalchemy.Engine. Got type: ({type(engine)})"
session_pool: so.sessionmaker[so.Session] = so.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
return session_pool