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pyproject.toml scripts

In your pyproject.toml file, add a section [tool.pdm.scripts], then copy/paste whichever scripts you want to add to your project.


Check the code for some of the scripts, like the start script, which assumes your project code is at ./src/app/ If your code is in a different path, or named something other than app, make sure to change this and any other similar lines.


# Format/Lint #

# Lint with black & ruff
lint = { shell = "pdm run ruff check . --fix && pdm run black ." }
## With nox
# lint = { cmd = "nox -s lint"}
# Check only, don't fix
check = { cmd = "black ." }
# Check and fix
format = { cmd = "ruff check . --fix" }

# Start/Launch Scripts #

#  Run main app or script. Launches from app/
start = { shell = "cd app && pdm run python" }

## Example Dynaconf start
start-dev = { cmd = "python src/app/", env = { ENV_FOR_DYNACONF = "dev" } }

# Export Requirement #

#  Export production requirements
export = { cmd = "pdm export --prod -o requirements/requirements.txt --without-hashes" }
#  Export only development requirements
export-dev = { cmd = "pdm export -d -o requirements/ --without-hashes" }
## Uncomment if/when using a CI group
# export-ci = { cmd = "pdm export -G ci -o requirements/ --without-hashes" }
## Uncomment if using mkdocs or sphinx
# export-docs = { cmd = "pdm export -G docs --no-default -o docs/requirements.txt --without-hashes" }

# Alembic #

## Create initial commit
alembic-init = { cmd = "alembic revision -m 'Initial commit.'" }

## Upgrade Alembic head after making model changes
alembic-upgrade = { cmd = "alembic upgrade head" }

## Run migrations
#  Prompts for a commit message
alembic-migrate = { shell = "read -p 'Commit message: ' commit_msg && pdm run alembic revision --autogenerate -m '${commit_msg}'" }

## Run full migration, upgrade - commit - revision
migrations = { shell = "pdm run alembic upgrade head && read -p 'Commit message: ' commit_msg && pdm run alembic revision --autogenerate -m '${commit_msg}'" }