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Notes, links, & reference code for Docker/Docker Compose.


In progress...


  • Add sections for things that took me entirely too long to learn/understand
    • Multistage builds
      • How to target specific layers, i.e. dev vs prod
    • Common Docker commands, how to interpret/modify them
      • Docker build
      • Docker run
    • ENV vs ARG
    • EXPOSE
  • Add section(s) for Docker Compose
    • Add an example docker-compose.yml
    • Detail required vs optional sections (i.e. version (required) and volumes (optional))
    • Links (with depends_on)
    • Networking
      • Internal & external networks
      • Proxying
      • Exposing ports (and when you don't need to/shouldn't)

How to use Docker build layers (multistage builds)

You can take advantage of Docker's BuildKit, which caches Docker layers so subsequent rebuilds with docker build are much faster. BuildKit works by keeping a cache of the "layers" in your Docker container, rebuilding a layer only if changes have been made. What this means in practice is that you can separate the steps you use to build your container into stages like base, build, and run, and if nothing in your build layer has changed (i.e. no new dependencies added), that layer will not be rebuilt.

Example: layered Dockerfile

In this example, I am building a simple Python app inside a Docker container. The Python code itself does not matter for this example.

To illustrate the differences in a multistage Dockerfile, let's start with a "flat" Dockerfile, and modify it with build layers. This is the basic Dockerfile:

Example flat Dockerfile
## Start with a Python 3.11 Docker base
FROM python:3.11-slim as base

## Set ENV variables to control Python/pip behavior inside container
    ## Pip
    PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off \

## Set the CWD inside the container

## Copy Python requirements.txt file into container & install dependencies
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

## Copy project source from host into container
COPY ./src .

## Expose port 8000, which we can pretend the Python app uses to serve the application
## Run the Python app
CMD ["python", ""]

In this example, any changes to the code or dependencies will cause the entire container to rebuild each time. This is slow & inefficient, and leads to a larger container image. We can break these stages into multiple build layers. In the example below, the container is built in 3 "stages": base, build, and run:

Example multistage Dockerfile
## Start with the python:3.11-slim Docker image as your "base" layer
FROM python:3.11-slim as base

## Set ENV variables to control Python/pip behavior inside container
    ## Pip
    PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off \

## Create a "build" layer, where you setup your Python environment
FROM base AS build

## Set the CWD inside the container

## Copy Python requirements.txt file into container & install dependencies
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

## Inherit from the build layer
FROM build AS run

## Set the CWD inside the container

## Copy project source from host into container
COPY ./src .

## Expose port 8000, which we can pretend the Python app uses to serve the application
## Run the Python app
CMD ["python", ""]


  • base: The base layer provides a common environment for the rest of the layers.
    • In this example, we set ENV variables, which persist across layers
      • In contrast, ARG lines can be set per-layer, and will need to be re-set for each new layer. This example does not use any ARG lines, but be aware that build arguments you set with ARG are only present for the layer they are declared in. If you create a new layer and want to access the same argument, you will need to set the ARG value again in the new layer
  • build: The build layer is where you install your Python dependencies.
    • You can also install system packages in this layer with apt/apt-get
      • The python:3.11-slim base image is built on Debian. If you are using a different Dockerfile, i.e. python:3.11-alpine, use the appropriate package manager (i.e. apk for Alpine, rpm for Fedora/OpenSuSE, etc) to install packages in the build layer
  • run: Finally, the run layer executes the code built in the previous base & build steps. It also exposes port 8000 inside the container to the host, which can be mapped with docker run -p 1234:8000, where 1234 is the port on your host you want to map to port 8000 inside the container.

Using this method, each time you run docker build after the first, only layers that have changed in some way will trigger a rebuild. For example, if you add a Python dependency with pip install <pkg> and update the requirements.txt file with pip freeze > requirements.txt, the build layer will be rebuilt. If you make changes to your Python application, the run layer will be rebuilt. Each layer that does not need to be rebuilt reduces the overall build time of the container, and only the run layer will be saved as your image, leading to smaller Docker images.

Example: Targeting a specific Dockerfile build stage

With multistage builds, you can also create a dev and prod layer, which you can target with docker run or a docker-compose.yml file. This allows you to build the development & production version of an application using the same Dockerfile.

Let's modify the multistage Dockerfile example from above to add a dev and prod layer. Modifications to the multistage Dockerfile include adding an ENV variable for storing the app's environment (dev/prod). In my projects, I use Dynaconf to manage app configurations depending on my environment. Dynaconf allows you to set an ENV variable called $ENV_FOR_DYNACONF so you can control app configurations per-environment (Dynaconf environment docs).

Example multistage Dockerfile with dev/prod env
FROM python:3.11-slim as base

## Set ENV variables to control Python/pip behavior inside container
    ## Pip
    PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off \

FROM base AS build


COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

## Use target: dev to build this step
FROM build AS dev

## Set the Dynaconf env to dev
## Tell Dynaconf to always load from the environment first while in the container

COPY ./src .

# Optional #
# Export ports, set an entrypoint/CMD, etc
#   Note: This is normally handled by your orchestrator (docker-compose, Azure Container App, etc).
#   If you are buliding/running the container directly, uncomment the EXPOSE & COMMAND lines below

# EXPOSE 5000
# CMD ["python", ""]

## Use target: prod to build this step
FROM build AS prod

## Set the Dynaconf env to prod
## Tell Dynaconf to always load from the environment first while in the container

COPY ./src .

# Optional #
# Export ports, set an entrypoint/CMD, etc
#   Note: This is normally handled by your orchestrator (docker-compose, Azure Container App, etc)
#   If you are buliding/running the container directly, uncomment the EXPOSE & COMMAND lines below

# EXPOSE 5000
# CMD ["python", ""]

With this multistage Dockerfile, you can target a specific layer with docker built --target <layer-name> (i.e. docker build --target dev). This will run through the base and build layers, but skip the prod layer.

You can also target a specific layer in a docker-compose.yml file:

Example multistage docker-compose file
version: "3.8"


    container_name: my-application
    restart: unless-stopped
        ## The "root" directory for Docker compose. If your Dockerfile/project
        #  are in a subdirectory, specify it here.
        context: .
        ## Set the name/path to the Dockerfile, keeping in mind the context you set above
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
        ## Target the "dev" layer of the Dockerfile
        target: dev
    ## Set the working directory inside the container to /app
    working_dir: /app
    ## Set the command to run inside the container. Equivalent to CMD in the Dockerfile
    command: python
        ## Mount the project's code directory in the container so changes don't require a rebuild
         - ./src:/app
        ## Expose port 8000 in the container, set to port 80 on the host
        - 80:8000

The example docker-compose.yml file above demonstrates targeting the dev layer of the multistage Dockerfile above it. We also set the entrypoint (instead of using CMD in the Dockerfile), and expose port 8000 in the container.

ENV vs ARG in a Dockerfile

The ENV and ARG commands in a Dockerfile can be used to control how an image is built and how it functions when live. The differences between an ENV and an ARG are outlined below.


This list is not a complete comparison between ENV and ARG. For more information, please check the Docker build documentation guide.

  • ENV
    • Define environment variables for the container.
    • Can be accessed the same way you would on a host, with $ENV_VAR_NAME.
    • Can be set/overridden with docker build -e, or the environment: stanza in a docker-compose.yml file.
    • Available during both the build and run phases when building a container.
      • When building a container (docker build or docker compose build), ENV variables will always use the value declared in the Dockerfile.
      • At runtime (i.e. when running docker run or docker compose up), the values can be overridden with docker run -e/--env or the environment: stanza in a docker-compose.yml file.
  • ARG
    • Define environment variables that are only available at build time.
    • Values may be overridden while building, i.e. between layers or after a command runs.
    • Can be set/overridden with docker build --build-arg ARG_NAME=value, or the build: args: stanza in a docker-compose.yml file


FROM python:3.11-slim AS base

## This env variable will be available in the build layer

## Define a required ARG, without setting its value. The build will fail if this arg is not passed
## Define an ARG and set a default value

## Set an ENV value, using an ARG's value, to make it available throughout the rest of the build

FROM base AS build

## Re-define SOME_OTHER_VAR_ARG from the SOME_OTHER_VAR ENV variable.
#  The ENV variable carries into the build layer, but the ARG defined
#  in the base layer is not.

Build ARGS are useful for setting things like a software version number, i.e. when downloading a specific software release from Github. You can set a build arg for the release version, i.e. ARG RELEASE_VER, and provide it at buildtime with docker build --build-arg RELEASE_VER=1.2.3, or in a docker-compose.yml file like:

Example build arg stanza


            context: .
                RELEASE_VER: 1.2.3


ENV variables, meanwhile, can store things like a database password or some other secret, or configurations for the app.

Example ENV vars stanza


        container_name: service1
        restart: unless-stopped
            ## Load $RELEASE_VERSION from the host's environment or a .env file
            RELEASE_VER: ${RELEASE_VERSION:-1.2.3}


Exposing container ports

In previous examples you have seen the EXPOSE line in a Dockerfile. This command exposes a network port from within the container to the host. This is useful if your containerized application utilizes network ports (i.e. running a web frontend on port 8000), and you are running the container directly with docker run instead of through an orchestrator like Docker Compose or Kubernetes.


When using an orchestrator like docker-compose, kubernetes, hashicorp nomad, etc, it is not necessary (and often counterproductive) to define EXPOSE lines in a Dockerfile. It is better to define port binds between the host and container using the orchestrator's capabilities, i.e. the ports: stanza of a docker-compose.yml file.

When building & running a container image locally or without an orchestrator, you can add these sections to a Dockerfile so when you run the built container image, you can bind ports with docker run -p $HOST_PORT:$CONTAINER_PORT.


Example EXPOSE syntax

FROM build AS run


## Expose port 8000 in the container to the host running this container image

## Start a Uvicorn server inside the container. The web server runs on port 8000 (by default)
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--reload"]

After building this container, you can run it and bind to a port on the host (i.e. port 80) with docker run -rm -p 80:8000 ..., or by specifying the port binding in a docker-compose.yml file


If you are using Docker Compose, comment/remove the EXPOSE and CMD lines in your container and pass the values in through Docker Compose

Docker compose port binds


        ## Set the container startup command here, instead of with RUN in the Dockerfile
        command: uvicorn main:app --reload
            ## Serve the container application running on port 8000 in the container
            #  over port 80 on the host.
            - 80:8000


  • RUN
    • Execute when an image is built. The command defined with RUN is executed on top of the current base image.
      • Example: Installing the neovim container inside of a Dockerfile built on top of ubuntu:latest image: RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y neovim
      • Commands defined with RUN show their output in the console as the container is built, but are not executed when the built container image is run with docker run or docker compose up
  • CMD
    • Execute when the container is starting.
    • Commands defined with CMD execute when you run the container with docker run or docker compose up
    • These commands do not execute if a different command is passed, i.e. with docker run myimage cat log.txt
      • The cat log.txt command overrides the CMD defined in the container
    • IMPORTANT: Only the last CMD defined in your image is executed. If you specify more than one, all but the last CMD will execute.
    • The CMD command supersedes ENTRYPOINT, and should almost always be used instead of ENTRYPOINT.
    • ENTRYPOINT functions almost the same way as CMD, but should be used only when extending an existing image (i.e. nginx, tomcat, etc)
    • Providing an ENTRYPOINT to an existing container will change the way that container executes, running the underlying Dockerfile logic with an ad-hoc command you provide.
    • The entrypoint for a container can be overridden with docker run --entrypoint
    • If you define a CMD and an ENTRYPOINT, the CMD line will be provided as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT, meaning you can do things like cat a file with a CMD, then "pipe" the command's output into an ENTRYPOINT
    • In general, it is best practice to use CMD in your Dockerfiles, unless you are aware of and fully understand a reason to use ENTRYPOINT instead.